What Aries Needs to Know about Leo Aries, there’s little point in giving you advice, except to say that showing gratitude or recognition gives remarkable rewards. Remember that there’s another person sharing this partnership, and even though your Leo is pretty accepting of what you do and seems in need of little, they do thrive on appreciation. You aren’t good at giving it directly; you just assume that if you’re hanging out with someone, it’s obvious that you like them or you wouldn’t be there. Just remember that this isn’t always clear to a Leo, who needs overt demonstrations that you care. You have a hard time resisting the urge to charge through any boundaries that are placed before you, but there’s one that you should try to refrain from pushing against: when your Leo tells you that they’ve had enough. If it’s gotten to that point, what they say is probably true, and you don’t want this Lion to start roaring, because it will take a long time to get them to cool down a...
There's a theory that a rebound relationship helps you to move on. The problem is that the rebound after a breakup is always a challenging task. Some women don’t like the idea of rebounds, while others see it as a necessary part of the healing process. A rebound guy doesn’t necessarily have to fall into your usual type. In reality, they can be most enjoyable when they aren’t. No matter where you fall on the rebound debate, if you decide to go for it, you need some guidance. Here’s a list of who you should date when on the rebound, by zodiac sign. CONTINUE READING ---->>> YOUR PERSONAL HOROSCOPE 2020 MONTHLY HOROSCOPE CHOOSE YOUR SIGN ARIES | TAURUS | GEMINI | CANCER LEO | VIRGO | LIBRA | SCORPIO SAGITTARIUS |...
Subscribe to Written by The Star by Email THE SUN IN THE SOLAR RETURN CHART Personalized Horoscope for 2020 year ahead using SOLAR RETURN CHART The Sun is the most significant planet in the solar return chart. Its position by house shows the most emphasized area of life during the coming year, how and where you expend the greatest amount of energy. The house placement of the Sun is reflected in the interpretation of the other planets, and may be the motivating force behind their symbolism. For example, a 1st house solar return Sun will show an assertive and subjective approach to life. All activities will be motivated by self-interest and the need for self-development. Most likely this individual will wo...