Stage of life Horoscope using Planetary transit

What is Firdaria? (period of life)

Being a method of prediction of the Medieval Astrology, Firdaria draw an outline of a person's life. They associate different periods of life with different planets and thus define which theme will prevail during each of the periods.

The word Firdaria is plural for Firdar, and the latter, although comes to us from Persian Astrology, has the same Greek origin as the English word period. So basically, firdaria means periods of life.

Examples of Firdaria

Theory is good, but nothing can replace a good practical example. This is why I am planning to have a number of detailed examples of both basic and advanced interpretations demonstrating how firdaria worke .

The first example is firdaria of my own chart, Past , Present and Future  and it demonstrates quite well how even the most basic understanding of planets can give a substantial amount of information about someone's life, but also how the facts from the natal chart add more detail to the interpretation.

(You can also request to me your personal firdaria calculation and interpretation, just email me your complete B-day info

Here are the Sample Interpretation

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