What Taurus Needs to Know about Virgo

What Taurus Needs to Know about Virgo 

The Virgo world is one built on order. The Virgin also has an active mind that doesn’t miss a trick. Taurus, when your Virgo starts nagging, it’s a sign that they’ve overextended themselves. That means it’s time for you to pull out the appreciation card and take them to dinner. No sign shows gratitude like you do, so make sure to give them all they deserve. Just don’t do it too blatantly, and make sure there’s plenty of sincerity!

What Virgo Needs to Know about Taurus 

Taureans are capable of letting you do everything if you let them. Since you love being acknowledged for your efforts, you could find yourself doing all the household chores, from dinner to laundry, with only a meager “Thank you” or just a nod of appreciation in return … or nothing at all. Your Taurus loves to feel safe, and the way to make them fully secure in all areas of life is to push them out into the world. This won’t be easy, but once you get them to their first job interview and back, you’ve hit a jackpot of progress.

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