What Aries Needs to Know about Taurus

What Aries Needs to Know about Taurus

 The harder you push, the thicker the wall! You love challenges, but when it’s to push your Taurus more quickly than they’re ready to be moved, you’ve met your match. Don’t see the resistance as defiance or you’ll just keep running into the same roadblock again and again. Make your request, state your desire, and then remove your attention and let it all process through their slow but sure way of making decisions.

What Taurus Needs to Know about Aries 

Aries aren’t trying to control you— well, actually … yes, they are. But you need to understand that it’s not so they can be in charge. They want you to move as fast as they do, but you can’t— nor should you even try. The problem here is that if you feel that they’re trying to exert dominance over you, then you’ll never budge. Eventually, you’ll only react if you feel they no longer have a vested interest in your action. Lighten up

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