What Aries Needs to Know about Scorpio

What Aries Needs to Know about 

Scorpio Scorpios are more complex than you, Aries. To them, life is filled with mysteries and secrets that they must uncover for their own survival— it’s just not something you’ll ever understand. They’re always searching with a low-level radar that tracks your every move and motivation. Treat this probing with as much respect as you want from them when you go on your quest for a challenge or a battle. You may not give the people in your Scorpio’s life a second thought, but they will, and allowing their exploration without judgment will prolong your lives together. Last, remember that Scorpions are extremely private and don’t ever want anything personal of theirs exposed— regardless of how harmless you may deem the information. Restrain yourself from telling friends any relationship secrets or engaging in locker-room talk.

What Scorpio Needs to Know about Aries

 You must understand that not everyone self-analyzes their every motivation, especially Aries, who don’t have much of an attention span— it actually depresses them if they have to evaluate things too much. You must have an inner sense of security when in a relationship with Aries because they’re not going to give you an ounce of reassurance outside of “I’m with you, aren’t I?” And it’s true, they are with you— and that means a lot in the Aries Manual of Love. Some creatures just don’t go that deep.

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