What Aries Needs to Know about Leo

What Aries Needs to Know about Leo Aries,

 there’s little point in giving you advice, except to say that showing gratitude or recognition gives remarkable rewards. Remember that there’s another person sharing this partnership, and even though your Leo is pretty accepting of what you do and seems in need of little, they do thrive on appreciation. You aren’t good at giving it directly; you just assume that if you’re hanging out with someone, it’s obvious that you like them or you wouldn’t be there. Just remember that this isn’t always clear to a Leo, who needs overt demonstrations that you care.

You have a hard time resisting the urge to charge through any boundaries that are placed before you, but there’s one that you should try to refrain from pushing against: when your Leo tells you that they’ve had enough. If it’s gotten to that point, what they say is probably true, and you don’t want this Lion to start roaring, because it will take a long time to get them to cool down again and purr.

What Leo Needs to Know about Aries 

There is only one king of the jungle, but you must tone it down in this relationship, Leo. You may even need to let your Aries believe that you’re lending them the throne for a while— just because you can. Whatever it takes to keep the peace must come from you— Aries won’t yield just because they feel it’s expected of them. Since you are, after all, the one with the crown, you have the ability to demonstrate considerable tolerance for your subjects by knowing when to criticize and when to keep quiet. Aries are good companions, especially if they recognize that they’re being given lots of space to do whatever they want. It’s not like they’ll run off and start another relationship; for them, one is plenty. They want to feel that they can focus their attention on other interests (which may hurt you). Actually, you’re giving them a chance to fully embrace who they are without restraint. The truth is that not many lovers have the courage to do that, so bravo to you.


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LEO      |   VIRGO     |    LIBRA     |   SCORPIO 


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