What Aries Needs to Know about Capricorn

What Aries Needs to Know about Capricorn 

Aries, remember that your Capricorn will provide for you, but won’t let you control them. They don’t like shortcuts and phone calls to friends in high places just to get out of a parking ticket. If you must pull strings, it’s better to convince your Goat that your motives are practical and get their endorsement, rather than lose their respect. You must also remember that every sign has its limits. Your tendency is to push boundaries (it’s what warriors do), but you may want to bring consciousness into your relationship here so that you can offer the much-needed component of gratitude.

What Capricorn Needs to Know about Aries

 Capricorn, this warrior has as much need to control as you do, so the more you butt heads, the more they’ll lock horns with you and fight back. Use logic in your approach to capturing their attention by making it clear that your way is the path of least resistance. But if they insist on working harder rather than smarter, learn to let them expend their energy without resenting it. You might also try to understand that Rams are fiercely independent … but don’t assume that they’re running from your support. They simply have the intense heat of a furnace burning inside them, which combines with their innate desire to be liberated. Sometimes just doing the'''

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