What Taurus Needs to Know about Scorpio

What Taurus Needs to Know about Scorpio Taurus, Scorpios want to feel a sexual connection with you at all times. That’s not to say they want sex, but typical Scorpions rate their commitment to you on an inner feeling of intimacy. That feeling, however, can translate into a constant monitoring of the connection that may have you feeling stalked and intruded upon. It’s important that you remember to explain your need for some distance (if you can) so that your suspicious partner’s fears are allayed. Another thing to remember is that sometimes your Scorpio partner will say something very cruel in the heat of the moment; this is often followed by intense remorse, and is usually the result of their harboring a hurt inside them. Try to find out what that issue is before you lose your cool, too. Speaking of being mad, Scorpios tend to trust you when you’re communicating from a place of anger. They don’t realize how dangerous that is since you don’t defuse very easy. What Scorpi...